Tuesday 9 August 2011

How technology helps me :)

I think technology is a pretty big deal. Technology helps us accomplish everyday tasks, do homework and many more things. I want to talk about Google. Google is the best search engine EVER. I use Google almost every single day. It has a friendly interface and even if it's your first time using it, you will know what you are doing from the first time. It will be the closest to awesomeness you could ever possibly get. It has helped me do homework, look for pictures and waste time. which reminds me of a super awesome website that is called www.iwastesomuchtime.com and it just totally rocks. Next up, Facebook. It rocks, too, but it will never be as awesome as Google. It can help you socialize over the internet, ask for homework, contact relatives and play many games that are kind of addictive. It has been really useful for me because I can contact family members that live far away. Next is something I like to name a "social virus" (means that most people have it or want it and it becomes kind of addictive) which is the BlackBerry. This little phone is great, but it can may give you the feeling you're dying if you're not able to use it for some time. It has a chat called BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) which is included in the phone. You can download many apps to it like Whatsapp, Windows Live, Facebook (tadaaaa!), DropBox and many other things. All of these can come very handy if you don't... abuse them.

Lack of security in Guatemala

Well... I really don't like to talk about this aspect of Guatemala, but it was the one I could say the most about. Nobody likes to live in an insecure country, face it. The insecurity in Guatemala affects every aspect of it. I think it even stops the rise of its economy. The thing is, if people think Guatemala is insecure, then nobody will want to come, therefore stopping the income from tourism. Also, it's VERY bothersome (or at least for me). When I ask my parents if I can go outside, it takes a really long time to convince them. I can't go to Oakland Mall unless I go with a large group of people or with some male relative. My parents don't like me going to my friends' houses because they don't trust ANYBODY. Thing is... Nobody wants it... but nobody tries to make an effort to improve security. It affects everybody and everyone should unite to improve. We can't wait for someone else to make a move! That's all we have been doing and look at where it led us! We HAVE to do something about it or else it will just keep getting worse! We have all been witnesses that politicians always make promises to improve security but, seriously, how has that been working out for us? We have to start acting and counter-attacking. So, next time you think about complaining about the insecurity, you better think "How can I help with this situation?"